Allies story -Part 1 

Cervical erosion 

Therefore, even if a vaginal infection (colpitis, vaginitis) is cured, pathogens may remain inside the canal. Erosion of the cervix, consisting entirely of columnar epithelium, supports inflammation, so if it is present, it is often not enough to limit yourself to taking antibiotics; removing the source of the infection itself is necessary. Tests show that sexual intercourse injures the cervix and increases the risk of transmitting HPV infection.

Sexual contact mostly transmits the pathogens that affect the cervix. Therefore, using a condom is the main way to prevent inflammatory diseases, erosion, and cervical cancer, even if you use another method of contraception (such as birth control pills). Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of developing cervical diseases, as it increases the load on a woman’s immune system.

Inflammation and Formation

 The prolonged existence of HPV-related inflammation leads to changes in the properties of cells and an increase in the rate of their division, which can lead to the formation of a tumour – first benign, then malignant. Sexually transmitted viruses like genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV) play a proven role in the development of cervical cancer, according to tests and research. So, you come to a specialist to check the condition of the cervix. This is a fundamental point. The fact is that many are afraid to treat erosion, afraid of the word “cauterisation.”

There are rumours that it is impossible to cauterise the cervix of nulliparous women. Also, that erosion goes away independently, especially if you use tampons with sea buckthorn oil, honey and something else. In addition, in paid centres, it is now very fashionable to treat all diseases with lasers, and in gynaecology, first of all, cervical erosion. Another rumour exists that cancer occurs only in the elderly and only if one of the relatives is sick. What is it? Cervical cancer is the most common malignant tumour of the female genital organs, excluding the breast.

Conservative and Modern Treatment Approaches

Few cervical pathologies are treated conservatively (i.e., without surgery). In this case, it is possible to use a therapeutic laser. However, the indications must be determined by a specialist in cervical pathology because he establishes an accurate diagnosis. An ordinary gynaecologist, and even more so a specialist in laser medicine, should not influence the treatment choice. Using tampons with oils and nutrients such as honey is contraindicated.

They accelerate cell division, and the erosion heals, but the cells continue to divide at an accelerated rate, easily leading to a tumour’s development. A modern method of treating pathology involves removing it with a surgical laser. Unlike diathermocoagulation offered in antenatal clinics, the surgical laser does not leave scars on the cervix and is suitable for nulliparous women. This method is the only one that allows the HPV doctor to remove the test pathology to the necessary depth under visual control, preventing the recurrence of the pathology by ensuring its complete removal. Pathology of the cervix almost does not manifest itself.

Recognising Symptoms and Seeking Specialist Care

Symptoms that require you to contact a gynaecologist: any discharge, but especially bloody discharge and especially appearing after sexual intercourse. Remember the general principle of medicine: diseases that are just beginning or do not yet exist are treated. Go to the doctor when nothing else bothers you. Don’t wait for symptoms. The most common situation is this: you come to your gynaecologist, who says you have erosion. Then there are 2 options: if the erosion is small, he offers you tampons with oil; if it is large, cauterisation. What you should know: the danger of cervical HPV pathology does not depend on its size. Moreover, there are situations when the pathology is not visible to the naked eye.

Importance of Specialist Consultation

 Then, no one will diagnose you with “erosion.” Therefore, you should contact a specialist in HPV Cervical pathology even if you think there is no erosion. Let him tell you this. And if it is, then you need to run to this specialist. About tampons—see above. Researchers found that a third of women with precancerous changes on the cervix had once used oil tampons to treat erosion.

So, you have come to a specialist in pathology (such offices are available in all large centres and clinics at departments of medical universities). 

This should be the case, and you can insist on having this done before the two-handed examination because your hands can injure the neck if there is a lesion on it. After a two-handed examination, the picture will be incorrect. To examine the cervix, the doctor inserts speculums into the vagina. This is the only unpleasant part of the procedure because the speculums are usually metallic and cold.

Commercial companies sometimes use disposable plastic mirrors. They sell these, so you can buy one and bring your mirror to the appointment. After inserting the speculum, the doctor directs a light onto the cervix and examines it with the naked eye.

Gross violations are visible and look the same as an area of redness called erosion. After this, the HPV Test Doctor must take smears for flora and cytology and perform an extended colposcopy. This is an examination of a smear from the vagina and cervix under a microscope. All gynaecological institutions perform this procedure, but the quality depends on the qualifications of the person looking through the microscope.