Real People Stories – Mariana

I will tell you what CA125 and CBC blood indicators look like when the body has been tested for a chronic viral (most likely herpes) load. So, what should you do with a chronic viral infection?

Until I was 33, I had no idea what the indicators meant. I only took it at a free clinic when necessary, and after taking it, I never asked about the results. But in 2020, I got seriously ill. First, a viral infection (possibly coronavirus, since my sense of smell was gone), then a cystitis began, which I could only stop with antibiotics. Well, and then my nerve became inflamed, and I learned what terrible daily chronic neuropathic pain is.

Series of Illnesses and Results

Here began a streak of my wanderings around clinics, taking all sorts of checks and useless visits from one doctor to another. I had to delve into the results and study what they meant.

I was surprised to discover that the relative percentage of lymphocytes in my Complete Blood Count has been elevated for many years now.

So, let’s look at my general blood report for 2020. I took it for a trichologist before my series of illnesses.

When I delved into the causes of my illnesses, I found my 2015 analysis. It showed the same picture (lymphocyte percentage increased, neutrophils decreased, and leukocytes were still normal).

Early Signs of Healthcare Issues

Illnesses attacked me in October 2020. That is, I took these exams BEFORE my health began to deteriorate.

So, what do these indicators mean? And why have they been deviating from the reference for me for years? This is a complex and controversial Herpes-type test issue. Regular doctors told me this was normal and nothing needed to be done. So why do laboratories indicate the reference for these indicators, and my value goes beyond it? If this is the norm, it is stupid to indicate references 🤔… Doctors did not answer my questions and shrugged their shoulders.

Insights from Educated Doctors

Such a picture of the tests is often observed precisely with a herpes virus infection, which has been active in the body for years. For years, it has eaten up the immune system. Accordingly, this is why so many diseases attacked me at once, and my body could not cope since the immune system was weakened due to the constant fight against herpes.

And indeed. Herpes on my lip is a very frequent companion. Plus, sometimes herpes appears on the buttocks. There are currently 8 or 9 types of the virus in humans. Taking the Femoflor Screent, I discovered that I also have active type 5 (cytomegalovirus infection ).

Impact of Chronic Herpesvirus Infection

Chronic herpesvirus infection can cause a lot of trouble in the body over the years of activity; it suppresses the activity of the immune system, plus it is often the cause of autoimmune diseases. Here are some of the symptoms of suppression of immunity by viruses:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Persistent sub-febrile temperature
  • Frequent occurrence of herpetic rash
  • Nerve damage in the body
  • Weakness and body aches
  • Frequent bacterial and fungal infections
  • Fibromyalgia, etc.

Ongoing exam Patterns

Over the next four years, I did the CBC exam many times. I had the same picture of decreased neutrophils (relative neutropenia), increased lymphocytes (relative lymphocytosis), and sometimes decreased leukocytes.

However, after a few months, the CBC blood analysis returned to my standard indicators, going beyond the reference. And I don’t know what to do with this yet. I try to support the body with various vitamins and dietary supplements; sometimes, I use immunomodulators. But relative neutropenia and relative lymphocytosis remain my companions …


It will show inflammation, infection, neoplasms and many other processes in the body that require professional intervention.

The general blood check is one of the most popular exams in medicine. I shared my thoughts on why this is important. I did it with others but as part of a comprehensive exam, which was convenient.

In addition, the number of indicators in the most general clinical check may vary. Indicators are needed to establish and diagnose diseases, and blood shows inflammatory processes. In this case, I took the CBC profile test for 17 Complete indicators.


 Taking a Full Sample Count kit is important on an empty stomach, and you cannot drink anything except clean water. Usually, the sample is taken in the morning, so the last time you can eat is at night, and it is better if the food is not dense and low-fat. There is no special preparation; however, you must exclude alcohol, smoking, and physical activity before the sampling. I followed all the listed recommendations.

Impressions from the procedure

Our district clinic has a high turnover, and usually, they do a good job. This time, it was a bit painful and resulted in a bruise. They found the vein quickly, but they took two test tubes of CBC and had to stop to move the tube. This may have made the procedure more difficult. In the end, I felt bad: lethargy, weakness, and eventually dizziness. The bleeding did not stop well, even several minutes after the end of the procedure.

When I got home, I wanted to sleep and lie down – I had no strength. Even despite the recovery thanks to the products, I still felt bad. Chocolate, sweets, tea and pomegranate helped me. Although I had almost no appetite, the main thing was to rest and sleep. A day later, I felt better; only the hematoma reminded me of the procedure with pain.


The analysis is done quickly—one day, not counting the day of blood test sampling. I gave a full count on Friday, and the results came to the registry on Monday. Several indicators show that the body is not in order. The most obvious thing seen here is inflammation, which requires urgent intervention.

So, I did not delay and made an appointment with a doctor soon. Based on the analysis results, I consulted with a CBC Complete Count GP and a Herpes gynecologist (since inflammation was previously diagnosed based on the smear). Both prescribed me medications and gave their recommendations, which I am following.

What is it about?

Healthcare providers recommend a full checkup on patients to detect infections and inflammatory processes. This study also helps to determine whether there are malignant neoplasms or viral HSV infection issues in the body. With the help of a general clinical check, the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Pregnant women must determine the levels of haemoglobin, red cells, platelets, and colour index.

It is not for nothing that a CBC Home Full Lab check is the basic Count in any examination. Even after an acute respiratory viral infection, it should be prescribed to understand that the inflammation and infection have subsided. Neoplasms, viral infections, and much more can be seen. In general, the analysis gives a good direction in searching for problems in the body.

It is supposed to be taken before Herpes operations when you are admitted to the hospital on a planned basis and as part of a study at least once a year. If there are indications, you can take a Complete clinical test unlimited times. Once, I took this checkup more than ten times a year!

What to do after delivery?

You can visit the Full GP or the specialist who referred you for the sample. In my case, the local therapist saw that I had not taken this exam for a long time. If there are deviations from the norm, they prescribe therapy and additional specialists if the situation requires it.

In my experience, the GP prescribed his medications, the gynaecologist prescribed him, and later, the endocrinologist also took me seriously. Therefore, in parallel, I began being treated for several diseases simultaneously. Still, without a Complete general blood check, it isn’t easy to see the overall picture of what is happening.


A complete Lab count is very informative when getting a quick result. CBC exams are affordable and can be taken for free. They are taken from a vein and can be taken with other tests. This Full study will prevent possible problems and does not give consequences. Of the disadvantages, it is common—it must be taken strictly on an empty stomach. I recommend it!


  • Highly informative;
  • Fast results;
  • Accessible;
  • Will prevent possible problems;
  • Without consequences.


  • Strictly on an empty stomach.